Thursday, August 27, 2009

My use of communication technologies

I've used communication technologies as far as i can remember the first being the home telephone then i got a mobile when i was 13 then came msn, then myspace. Myspace died and was replaced by facebook and now I'm addicted to it, I'm not a big twitter fan, but i had to get one for news and politics because it was part of the assignment to tweet about the assignment. I heard about such technologies because well their existence is common knowledge really , I just knew about them because everyone uses them so naturally i used them as well. Your privacy in using these things is up to how much you choose to put out there, well facebook is in stalker mode so everything you do all your friends will see, so what you reveal is up to you. All my friends on facebook are people i have spoken to or met at some stage, you don't just add randoms to facebook , its not like with myspace. With facebook your revealing a lot more personal information. If you do have friends on the net that you've never met, they are not your actual friends, in my opinion reading words on a screen is not any form of a relationship. People that get attached to these Internet "friends" are attached to the idea or image of the person that has been created, not the actual person themselves, and that image that has been created might not even be real.

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