Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lecture 3

In this lecture we learnt about film work. When making a film you have to use, as my News and politics lecturer would say, the 5 W's and H - who, what,when,where, why and how. There are many shots used in filming for different purposes. There's the close up which can be used to help show facial expression . The medium shot which allows for the character and action to be on the screen at the same time and it helps answer 'what'. Long shot sets the scene and answers the question of 'where'. 'When' is indicated by things such as daylight and the fashion they're wearing it helps assess the time period the scene takes place. Big close ups on characters facial expressions help indicate what a character is thinking answering 'why'. 'How' can be explained through the use of a series of medium close ups or close ups. We also learnt than when the first films were made that they weren't very creative at all being clips of boring mundane things such as a man sneezing. The first TV was shown in 1939 and blockbuster's only began in te 1970's.

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