Friday, September 25, 2009

course overveiw

The blogging has come to end! yay! To be perfectly honest I found having to blog all the time on top of everything else rather annoying, most of the time I actually ended up forgetting to do it. Though I admit some of the tasks were fun like the CNN story and the 1min clip because that's when I can use my creative side the most, that's what I'm best at, writing plays, creating skits, drama was my best subject in school. Also I found watching what other students had created quite interesting as well.I found the Lectures quite enjoyable though, I never got bored or fell asleep in them, like with some of my other classes. The lecturers actually did more then just read words off a slide. The tutorials were good too because you could expand on things from the lectures and it gave you time to do your tutorial tasks during your tutorial. Well that's really all I have to say on the matter, thanks for reading my blog.

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