Friday, September 25, 2009

course overveiw

The blogging has come to end! yay! To be perfectly honest I found having to blog all the time on top of everything else rather annoying, most of the time I actually ended up forgetting to do it. Though I admit some of the tasks were fun like the CNN story and the 1min clip because that's when I can use my creative side the most, that's what I'm best at, writing plays, creating skits, drama was my best subject in school. Also I found watching what other students had created quite interesting as well.I found the Lectures quite enjoyable though, I never got bored or fell asleep in them, like with some of my other classes. The lecturers actually did more then just read words off a slide. The tutorials were good too because you could expand on things from the lectures and it gave you time to do your tutorial tasks during your tutorial. Well that's really all I have to say on the matter, thanks for reading my blog.

week 9 task

week 9 media

week 9

This time we discussed cyber Utopia's and how things can be Poetic. Though I don't really understand the meaning of the word Poetic. Like what is poetic? Isn't it just a personal opinion, there is no one definition of what something has to be before its considered poetic, or if there is I've never been told it. Anyway moving on we looked at a website the lecturer had created , now I found it very strange and too chaotic, though I'm told it's artistic and poetic. I'm sure it means something to some people but it just completely confused me, though I do think he's pretty clever for creating it, I could never do something like that, I wouldn't have the patience.

week 8 task

week 8 media

week 8 lecture

In this lecture we learnt about Cyber Politics and eDemocracy which is the Internets role in political campaigning and other government use of the internet to raise awareness on issues.I also learnt that Australia doesnt have the constitutional right to free speech this really surprised me, I know that America has it but I at least thought we had some sort of right to it since this isn't a communist country. We also discussed the issues of Hackers and I got the feeling the lecturer was saying that hacking was a good thing but maybe I didn't read it properly, regardless I diagree why should anyone have the right to hack into my computer to access my private information and photographs.

week 7 media

Here's a clip that explains the concept of creative commons and it's uses.

week 7 lecture

In this lecture we learnt about the restrictions of copyright and how creative commons works. The normal rules of copyrighted material is that no one can use , share or distrubute the material without the original creators consent. But now with Creative Commons the rules are a lot more flexible. Creative Commons is a non profit free organisation that allows you to have a licence on your material that states it's still yours but that others may share or distribute it as well. We also learnt about open source software and free software. Open source is where you can go in and stuff around with the softwares codes and alter it to your own preference.

week 6 media link

This video is an example of when fans that have already consumed an existing idea use this idea to make new material which is then in turn consumed by others. This video is using the concept of rewinding time from the video game Prince of Persia. In the game, if you make a mistake and die you can rewind back time and reverse it to the point before you made the mistake, in this video they show what it would be like if you did that in real life, it's pretty funny.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 6 lecture

In this lecture we learnt about Consumption and Production and how it is either shared or private. We made a list of big screen consumption which consisted of cinema, TV and PC's. Small screen consumption consisted of Personal media players such as the iPod and mobile phones, the latest one being the iPhone. We learnt how fans of productions make there own films and stories using the same ideas or characters that are already being consumed in the market. In doing this the fans are consuming the original source, and then reproducing a new material with it, that is then consumed by others. Mobile phones are also responsible for a lot of news footage because when something happens it's convenient for people to just pull out their phones to capture it on film. The problem with this though is that people use their phones to capture things such as fights in the school yard and then post them on the net, which is not just unfortunate for the victim of the fight, but for the "bully" as well or the instigator of the fight, because they're caught on film doing it and can be identified. I know a girl in my grade from my school, with a couple of her friends had decided to ambush this girl they didn’t like when she went to the bathroom during class time. Some other student walking past decided to film it and put it on YouTube. Because it was during class time no one was around outside, so the teachers weren’t aware of it, and the girl that was attacked went home without telling anyone anything and then was just absent from school a few days. A week later our principal got a call from some parent saying her daughter found the fight on YouTube, the principal then watched it recognized who the attackers were and they were expelled from school. Also naturally everyone else from school went online and watched the fight aswell, though I saw it because it got sent to one of my friends phones and she showed it to me in class.

Sunday, September 6, 2009